Thursday, July 1, 2010

I have decided......

I have decided that it is pretty pathetic that when you get ready to stamp, and you have to take your heat gun or a hairdryer to blow the dust off your workspace, that you probably aren't stamping enough, or blogging enough. I's bad. Really, really, bad. And I am going to change that. It's just that the pool is calling our names, and my supervisor at work, and the dirty dishes in the sink... know whut I mean?  So, I am making these cute little boxes for my sister (who is a brat) and my sister in law's birthdays, which are the 2nd and 4th of July. As soon as I get them done.. I will post them... and if you leave me a comment, I will choose one person to send a cute little unused stamp will be a surprise!  Let's just see if you leave some comments, eh? Mwah to da summatime peeples out there!


Princess T

1 comment:

Alma said...

Summer happens all the time and keeps coming around. There's never stamp time. Get inky, girl.